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FOr a series that is so concerned with names, I constantly wondering how Kvothe would pronounce them. How do .. I haven't heard the audio books, and my brother and I started saying kvothe like ka-voth-ee (jokingly at first) and now I can't remember how kvothe is meant to be pronounced!! permalink
The pronunciation of Kvothe, first by the author Patrick Rothfuss and then by the audiobook
So in the story we get Kvothe's name pronunciation, several times in fact, but there are some other names that I'm confused on. the audio books, so for me it was the other way around. i knew the pronunciations but not the actual written names. always thought Felurian was Velurian lol. i highly recommend
19 Feb 2008 Hmm, I've always said “ray-stlin”. And, uh, “Kvothe.” ;PAnd while I find most of the foreign names in your book to be fairly simple, I have a huge fondness for authors who include pronunciation guides at the back, haha. It just makes me feel more secure when I'm talking about the book to other people. .
23 Mar 2013
Welcome to Kingkiller Chronicle. This reddit is dedicated to everything related to The Kingkiller Chronicle, a fantasy trilogy by Patrick Rothfuss, telling the biography of "Kvothe", an adventurer, arcanist and musician. Click here for how to display flair next to your name!
7 Feb 2014 Patrick Rothfuss, the author of the Kingkiller Chronicles, says: Ask the Author #4: How Do I Pronounce Kvothe's name? The initial “kv” sound in “Kvothe” doesn't crop up in standard English that often. But it does appear in the Yiddish term “kvetch.” The “o” is the same as in “roll” or “hole.” The “e” is silent.
The real pronunciation of Kvothe is somewhere between Quoth, Coat, Goethe, and Gotye. #NowIAmJustFuckingWithYou. 8:29 PM - 24 Aug 2015. 347 Retweets; 745 Likes; Emery Bacon Odile CeciQuemera ¦¦ Justine Caja Paul M Nicole McPeek Dennalis Ethan Rockwood. 81 replies 347 retweets 745 likes. Reply. 81.
12 Dec 2016
Welcome to Kingkiller Chronicle. This reddit is dedicated to everything related to The Kingkiller Chronicle, a fantasy trilogy by Patrick Rothfuss, telling the biography of "Kvothe", an adventurer, arcanist and musician. Click here for how to display flair next to your name!